Students and researchers in colleges and universities have to write essays and research papers as a part of their courses. And they have to make it good so as to get good grades. While conducting research, students may be instructed to carry out quantitative or qualitative research where the former requires the data to be collected in numbers or numerical figures and the latter requires data in non-numerical figures such as sentences and words. Since the results in qualitative research are not in numbers, and the topic of research involves subjective matters, issues arise over the validity of qualitative research.
It is usually asked how to assure and assess the validity of qualitative research? It is a bit tricky since this type of research involves humans trying to understand other humans which is essentially a subjective practice. Nonetheless, there are certain questions and some techniques that a researcher can employ to establish the validity of qualitative research to a reasonable extent.
First of all, every type of research must have a thesis statement that clearly depicts whether it is qualitative or quantitative research. Qualitative research informs decisions that have significant implications, therefore, to assure some amount of validity is necessary. Whilst the results should not be generalized, validity should be established so that it may be employed to inform meaningful decisions. Some questions can be asked to measure the validity of qualitative research such as, ‘Can it be trusted?’ and ‘Does it make any sense?’ As qualitative research deals with context and themes, these questions can be important to validate the research.
The validity of qualitative research can be established by the following few steps.
Choosing a skilled and well-trained moderator as he or she will check any personal biases in the study since qualitative research is all too subjective. Having a neutral and objective stance will make qualitative research valid. An essay or paper written by a professional essay writer will be virtually free of biases because they are careful of this thing and try to remain objective in their approach.
Choosing a good sample group that is a true representative of the broader population from which it is selected. It will make the findings of the study more valid. It is conventional sense that data collected from individuals who don’t truly represent a population will not render valid findings or results.
The validity of qualitative research can also be gauged by a process called triangulation. In this process, the results are checked by employing multiple perspectives, moderators, locations, or individuals analyzing similar data. If the results hold, the research is valid.
The validity of qualitative research can also be measured by a technique called respondent validation or member check. Here the results or data is returned to the participants to measure the credibility, accuracy, validity, and resonance with their experience.
Qualitative research will be valid if the researcher is able to exclude all other scenarios or the results he could have got. He or she should seek alternative explanations actively to the actual results. If no alternative explanation can be found, the research is valid.
These were some of the methods that you can employ to check the validity of qualitative research. Students usually find it difficult to write research papers let alone qualitative research papers especially if they are students of natural sciences. So they approach an essay writer service for assignment help so that they can get their essays and papers done in time and ease their burden. You can also pursue these online essay writing services in the time of need.
Therefore, if your research is qualitative and you want to check the validity of results, you can use all the above-mentioned techniques. This post will help you a lot in that matter.
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