A paragraph is any group of sentences related to the same subject.
It is important to understand that a group of sentences does not need an introductory sentence or concluding sentence in order to form a topic, which will be explained further in this article.
The basic structure of a paragraph is the following:
It should be noted that some teachers may give more elaborate rules for paragraphs, but these are the basics of paragraph structure and can be applied universally. The two structures given above work well for most "write my essay", particularly when combined with techniques such as those mentioned below. When writing paragraphs it is useful to keep in mind how they will flow and what sorts of transitions are needed between them, because this will help you keep your "essay writer" and paragraphs in order.
Paragraph Structure Technique 1: The Topic Sentence
A topic sentence is a sentence that introduces the paragraph and tells the reader what the paragraph is about. It usually consists of two parts, with the "topic" or thesis statement first, then an opinion about that topic second. Here are some examples:
The key to writing good topic sentences is making sure they follow all the rules given above for paragraphs while also giving a clear meaning of what each paragraph is about. Having said that, there are many different types of introductory sentences from which to choose; here's an example using one other commonly used type ("give an example"):
It can be useful to link your topic sentence back to what you were saying in the previous paragraph. This can be done by repeating a word or phrase (such as "In conclusion…"), using an expression that links two ideas together ("because", "for example"), or even making a simile between them ("as…, so").
Paragraph Structure Technique 2: Transitional Words and Phrases
Transitions are very useful for keeping your essay organized. They link one thing to another and help make essays flow better. Below is a list of common transitions followed by some examples of their use.
The best way to learn these is simply through practice; read this article and others while paying attention to the transitions used. You can also try making up your own transition sentences! start with a basic structure, then look at the list of transitions above and see if one fits. Remember also that you don't have to use just one transition; this is perfectly acceptable: "Another reason is that…".
Transitions are not only useful in paragraphs but can also be used throughout an essay as a whole. They often come in pairs of alternates, such as "on the one hand" or "on the other hand". When using these, try to match them up appropriately with what you've already said; for example, if you've mentioned good aspects of something on the first hand/hand, it makes sense to finish by mentioning bad ones on the second hand/hand. Furthermore, even though having two different transitions in one sentence is acceptable, three or more can make it very confusing.
Paragraph Structure Technique 3: Concluding Sentences
Closing sentences are not required in a paragraph, and thus are seldom used by students (see "paragraph types", below). When they are used, however, closing sentences can help give depth to your writing and leave the reader satisfied. There are two main goals to use when writing concluding sentences:
One way of doing this is through what is called an epiphany statement . Here's an example:
Alternatively one could point out why a topic/opinion is significant or important:
A conclusion should not take up too much space. If you think that your "essay writing service" would benefit from having a concluding sentence then don't add too many as they can quickly become distracting.