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How to Use Commas in Essay Writing

Punctuation marks are not just for show. They serve a purpose, and they have become more important than ever in the modern age of fast communication and texting, where punctuation is often neglected altogether. The English language abounds with various marks that use similar concepts; comma confusion is very common among both native speakers and learners. Fortunately, all you need to get started on your writing adventure is a list of commonly used symbols (and their uses). This list can help you make sense of confusing punctuation-related situations, provide you with guidelines on when to use commas "essay writer" or periods, and imbue confidence into your everyday academic writing endeavors.

How to Use Commas

Comma confusion is especially common. The comma can be used in a variety of different ways, and many people are not aware of its existence or how to use it properly. Here are some guidelines:

Use a comma after an introductory phrase. Introductory phrases often come at the beginning of sentences, or before the main clause (the part that ends with "that" or "who"). There should always be a comma between the introductory phrase and your main clause.

Use a comma to separate two independent clauses. Independent clauses are sections of sentences that can stand alone and make sense in the whole context of the sentence (they can also be called main clauses). "Write my essay" commas to indicate where there should be a pause between two independent clauses. For example: Maria was tired after she washed all her dishes; she decided to watch television for one hour every night . Periods or semicolons can also be used between independent clauses; however, if you're going to use them at all then put one after your first clause , not both.

Use a comma to separate two adjectives, two dependent clauses , or descriptions. These lists should be separated by a comma in order to avoid confusion. For example: the huge , blue elephant that was painted green . If you were describing something with multiple colors and qualities, however, then you would want them all to sound as if they belong together (rather than separating them into different sentences). Use commas to group these clauses together so that the information flows better. For example: The stallion galloped across the field at full speed; it was dark brown with a white star on its forehead .

Use a comma before the closing quotation mark of direct quotes. Remember always to use double quotation marks around your direct quotations for clarity. Use a comma to indicate where the quoted section ends and your commentary begins. For example: Mr. Smith said, "Avoid bad grammar at all costs ." (The sentence is not over until it reaches the closing quotation mark.)

Use a comma before or after a word in apposition . An appositive is a noun or phrase that means exactly the same thing as another word in the sentence because it clarifies it. When you want to clarify something with an adjective, but don't know if adding one will create confusion, use an appositive instead of an adjective; this way you can avoid using unclear adjectives. Maria's sister Anna , who was five years older than her, married two months ago .

Comma Confusion

Now that you understand the basic ways that commas "essay writing service" are used, let's take a deeper look at some of their common applications. Comma confusion is quite frequent among both native and non-native speakers; for this reason, it's important to be able to figure out exactly what type(s) of comma is called for in any given situation so as to avoid communicating unclearly or even accidentally mixing up phrases or clauses.

Commas with Interrupting Phrases

Commas are often needed when there is an interruption in the flow of your sentences because adding one can make your writing much clearer. An interruption usually occurs when you start introducing new information into a sentence (you don't need to use a break if you're just continuing on with what you were saying before). When you break up a thought into multiple sentences in order to give more detail, then use commas to indicate where the interruption is.

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